Day 1 (12 June 2012) 
At the end of the class of Technology in Education we learn about My-English websites to which it’s facilitate lecturers to deliver information such as assignment, quizzes, notes, and others. It can also help students to get all the information presented by lecturers quickly and easily. Besides learning this subject at the end of the lesson we have also learned the theory of Gagne the model "Nine Events of Instruction”.
Day 2 (14 June 2012)
On the second day we learn about the topic of Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning and Instructional Media. We can learn about the instructional technology, information technology, the concept of behaviorism, cognitism, constructivism, learning theory, bloom taxonomy and also instructional design and models. At the end of the class all students are required to do revisions for this subject for quiz preparation on the next class. Lecturer has given some of the questions in My-English web and its help us to be prepared before the test.

Day 3 (15 June 2012) 
Today we did our Quiz assessment. We have to answer 20 Multiple Choice Questions.Thanks to Allah, we can answer the Quiz well. Most of the questions are exactly from our revision questions which we had done a day before. After we had done the Quiz, Sir Azrul give us ample time to focus on our blog assignment..Eventhough our Blog was not as creative as others, we are very proud with what we have done...because its the first time we try to do it!!chaiyok..!!

Day 4 (18 June 2012)
On the fourth day, we have learned about "Designing Effective Power Point Presentations". We have learned about 6x7 rules which means that we have to make sure that there are only 6 lines per slide and not more than 7 words per line. Lecturer also point out several things such as the font and animation. After the lecture, we sat down together as a group and discuss about our power point presentation. The draft was already there, but we need to double checked all the items as the lecturer wants the presentation to follow the guidelines of Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction. Lecturer has given us some important inputs about our draft such as a not suitable background/template. We discussed again and finalised our project. We have been voted as the sixth group to present on Wednesday.

Day 5 (20 June 2012)
Today is the first day for group's presentation on Power Point. We are selected as group number 6 out of the seven group that will present today. From the other group's presentation, we have gain a new knowledge about the subject content and the  new skills of teaching styles. By using instructional media likes a video and audio, it can helps to illustrate ideas and concepts more succintly, make learning meaningful and create 'fun' in learning. If we only done verbal explanations alone, students will feel bored and not pay attention with our teaching.  

Day 6 (21 June 2012)
Today is the last class with our lecturer, Sir Mohd Azrul. In the last class, we continued with group's presentation for Power Point. Today another 6 groups has present their topic using Power Point. So far, each group did a good job. After we finished the presentation, lecturer asked us to fill in the assesment form for group member's evaluation. Then we have to answer few questions in My English website about what we like and dislike in this course. At the end of the class, we take a class photo with Sir Azrul.

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